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  • What flavor is the whey protein?
    Our protein has zero additives and is minimally processed. To ensure this remains the case, we do not add flavorings to our product. The flavor will be bland if added to water on it's own, but will not add much taste if added to something else like milk, coffee, or shakes!
  • What is whey protein isolate?
    When protein isolate uses a production method that helps remove additional lactose and fat from the end product. This allows the product to be more accessible to those with dietary restrictions and assist consumers in maximizing their protein intake without the additional calories.
  • Can lactose intolerant individuals still utilize whey?
    While lactose sensitivity varies from person to person, the refining method of our whey removes most of the lactose. Because of this, those who are sensitive to lactose can still partake without having to deal with issues that may arise when taking a whey concentrate.
  • How much whey should I take?
    This number varies from person to person, but on average 25-30 grams is recommended. Taking larger amouts for the average person begins to decrease absorption efficiency.
  • Will whey protein still help me if I don't exercise?
    Absolutely! Our product is an excellent way to ensure that you're getting enough protein intake on a day to day basis. Taking this product and not exercising before/after consuming will not cause issues.
  • Why would I choose whey protein over a plant based protein?
    Whey protein has a complete amino acid profile and is absorbed more quickly. Plant base protein can be helpful as well, but studies show that whey protein increases muscle growth more than plant based protein.
  • How should I store the whey?
    Store your whey in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep the bag sealed or move to another container with a seal to help prevent additional moisture from entering the product.
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